Members of the consortium
Instabat Project

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 955930.
BATTERY 2030+ is the large-scale and long-term European research initiative with the vision of inventing the sustainable batteries of the future, providing European industry with disruptive technologies and a competitive edge throughout the battery value chain and enabling Europe to reach the goals of a climate-neutral society envisaged in the European Green Deal.
The BATTERY 2030+ large-scale research initiative has just entered the next phase of creating a generic toolbox for transforming the way we develop and design batteries in Europe. With EUR 40,5 million support from the European Commission over three years, a family of projects will kick-start the implementation of the BATTERY 2030+ long-term research roadmap.
Starting on 1 September 2020, the BATTERY 2030+ initiative will consist of seven projects, one coordination and support action (CSA) BATTERY 2030PLUS, which continues a previous 15-months CSA project, and six research and innovation projects: BIG-MAP, coordinated by DTU Denmark; INSTABAT, coordinated by CEA France; SENSIBAT, coordinated by IKERLAN Spain; SPARTACUS, coordinated by Fraunhofer Germany; HIDDEN, coordinated by VTT Finland; BAT4EVER, coordinated by VUB, Belgium.
The BATTERY 2030+ community works on concrete actions that support the implementation of the European Green Deal, the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the European Action Plan on Batteries and the SET Plan.